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Postdoc “Trusted Technology” (m/f/d)

Frau Maxi Herrera
Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
30 Urlaubstage
🇩🇪 B1/B2
🇬🇧 B1/B2
Guter Bewerbungsprozess

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The Barkhausen Institute performs research on the latest hardware, software and communication technologies and demonstrates their application in tomorrow's society. Our goal is to build a flexible and trustworthy IoT platform based on reliable electronics and secure communication methods.

Our scientific focus is on computer science and electrical engineering - but it is also important to us to take social aspects into account in our work. For this reason, we are opening a position for a postdoctoral researcher at the interface of social science and technology. You will work directly with the Institute's management and groups to explore the trustworthiness of the Internet of Things across disciplines.


At the earliest possible date we are looking for a


Postdoc “Trusted Technology” (m/f/d)


The position will initially be filled for a period of 2 years and will be remunerated in line with TV-L E-13.


Your responsibilities will include

  • Research: You conduct high-impact research on measures of trustworthiness, methods of gaining trust, and regaining trust. Together with our scientific teams and the science communication team, you will identify suitable scientific interdisciplinary research topics and implement them within the framework of research projects and publications.
  • Cooperation: You establish contacts with suitable cooperation partners and develop new interdisciplinary project ideas.
  • Acquisition of third-party funding: You identify suitable funding sources and application formats and, together with project partners, submit funding applications for the further financing of interdisciplinary research.
  • Transfer and Science Communication: You will be involved in our science communication activities and your research will ensure that these are evaluated and continuously improved.


We expect the following

  • Completed university degree and doctorate in the field of social sciences with a strong link to technological issues, or in the field of electrical engineering/computer science with a strong link to social science aspects ,
  • Experience in the scientific investigation of trust is helpful, especially in the different ways of measuring trust,
  • Special interest in scientific work in an interdisciplinary team,
  • An integrative and cooperative personality with excellent communication and social skills,
  • Good communication and writing skills in English.


You are interested, but you don’t think you meet all the requirements of the job posting? Then you should know: We don’t hire resumes, we hire people. We are looking for potential and want to actively foster it. That‘s why we encourage you to apply!


What we provide

  • An open and creative team
  • Agile working hours and workflows
  • Cross-disciplinary projects
  • Work on future technologies
  • Flat hierarchies for your ideas and flexible teams
  • Competitive salary


If you have passion for new technologies and the desire to develop the connected world of tomorrow with us, we are looking for you.


Life and science are compatible at our institute. We offer a range of recognised family-friendly measures, such as part-time work, mobile working and flexible working hours that take family needs into account.  We also offer support for arriving in Dresden (all formalities, apartment etc.).


Application Procedure

  • Your application should include: motivation letter, CV, copy of university degree and PhD certificate, short summary of PhD thesis.
  • Barkhausen Institute strives for gender and diversity equality. We welcome applications from all backgrounds. Severely disabled persons are given preference in the event of equal suitability.
  • We only accept complete documents as one single PDF document by e-mail to Kontakt-Formular . Please reference “Postdoc Trusted Technology” in the subject line. Applications that contain other file formats (e.g. Word, Excel) will not be considered in the selection process. Informal inquiries can also be submitted to the same address.


The data submitted by you in the course of the application procedure will be processed by the Barkhausen Institut (BI). BI shall use the data for the purposes of the application procedure. No data shall be passed on to third parties.



Bewerben Sie sich jetzt bei der Barkhausen Institut gGmbH als Postdoc “Trusted Technology” (m/f/d).

Bitte prüfen Sie, ob Sie diese Grundanforderungen erfüllen:

  • Arbeitserlaubnis in Deutschland bzw. Schengen/EU notwendig
  • Mindestens Fortgeschritten (B1/B2) in Deutscher Sprache notwendig
  • Mindestens Fortgeschritten (B1/B2) in Englischer Sprache notwendig
  • Arbeitsort muss erreichbar sein: Dresden
oder hier herziehen und ablegen


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funding, interdisciplinary, social sciences, computer sciences, Electrical Engineering, IoT, doctorate, Science Communication, Englisch, Elektrotechnik,, Empfehlungsbund

Dieser Job bzw. Stellenanzeige als 'Postdoc “Trusted Technology” (m/f/d)' ist für folgende Adressen ausgeschrieben: 01067 Dresden in Sachsen.

Kurzprofil der Barkhausen Institut gGmbH

Das Barkhausen Institut ist ein international anerkanntes Forschungsinstitut, das die Brücke zwischen Grundlagenforschung und der praktischen Umsetzung der Vertrauenswürdigkeit vernetzter elektronischer Systeme schlägt.

Wir erforschen innovative Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien, um die Vertrauenswürdigkeit für eine vernetzte Welt zu ermöglichen. Unser Fokus liegt auf Eigenschaften wie Integrität, Zurechenbarkeit, Authentizität, Verfügbarkeit und Datenschutz.

Neben unserer anwendungsorientierten Grundlagenforschung engagieren wir uns als Kooperationspartner und als Meinungsführer im Diskurs zum Thema Vertrauenswürdigkeit. Wir legen besonderen Wert auf eine professionelle Wissenschaftskommunikation und suchen den Dialog mit der Öffentlichkeit.

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Research Group Leader “Wireless Connectivity” (m/f/d)

Fortgeschritten Senior
🇬🇧 C1
Zur Stelle

Postdoc “Trusted Technology” (m/f/d)

Dresden (teilw. Homeoffice)
30 Urlaubstage
🇩🇪 B1/B2
Zur Stelle
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