
Patent Specialist (all genders)


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Hinweis: Bitte bewerben Sie sich ausschließlich über unseren direkten Bewerbungslink gehostet von Empfehlungsbund und MINTsax.de: https://www.mintsax.de/jobs/267552/patent-specialist-all-genders-in-bitterfeld-wolfen. Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie kennenzulernen!

Company Description

A Company with the Sun at Its Core

As a full-service provider of clean energy solutions, we supply residential and commercial customers not only with solar modules and systems, as well as energy storage, but also offer integrated services and solutions such as electricity contracts and power contracting. This ensures access to 100% clean energy. From our two locations in Germany - Bitterfeld, Solar Valley with the Qcells Technology, Quality, Innovation & Training Center, and Berlin, Schöneberg with the Qcells Sales & Business Development Center - we manage Qcells' sales in Europe and oversee technology and innovations worldwide.

Job Description

Protector of Innovations: You are responsible for protecting the inventions of our photovoltaic (PV) development activities at our German location, considering the global technology strategy of the group. When necessary, you represent the Head of the German Patent Department.

Drafting and Enforcing Patent Applications: You coordinate the entire patent application process—from the initial draft of a disclosure and then a patent, through prosecution, to final enforcement. You initiate the necessary actions and significantly organize IP projects by leveraging your ability to coordinate across functional teams.

Consolidated Expertise: You manage patent applications and independently handle office actions as a member of the global Technology, Operations & Partnerships (TOP) division and in collaboration with external firms and attorneys.  You facilitate proper handling of Qcells’ IP through your  knowledge of German employee invention law.

Your Trained Eye: You regularly conduct IP research to evaluate patentability, freedom to operate, and competitive IP landscapes for target technologies, often in collaboration with our IP Intelligence team.   You work with our attorneys to provide appropriate analyses and risk assessments to the business.

Identifying and Implementing Continuous Improvement: You have a knack for identifying opportunities to improve processes and work with the relevant departments to implement them, both at a local and global level.


  • You have a completed degree in a technical field, ideally with intersections with the photovoltaic industry
  • You bring initial professional experience in the patent field and are familiar with German patent and employee invention law as well as patent and technology information research
  • You have experience in data evaluation, preparation, and visualization
  • You are characterized by a systematic and analytical way of thinking and have a strong goal and service orientation
  • You possess excellent communication skills to navigate an international corporate environment
  • A high level of German (at least C1) and a high proficiency in English is indispensable

Additional Information

  • Arrival made easy: With the help of a welcome training and an orientation plan, we introduce you to your new tasks in a structured manner. A personal mentor will be at your side with help and advice.
  • Moving forward together: In a collegial atmosphere we live open communication, support each other and share our knowledge. In addition, we promote your professional and personal development with further training opportunities.
  • Your commitment pays off: We reward your commitment with fair remuneration based on international standards, consisting of a fixed and a flexible component. On top of this, you can count on capital-forming benefits, a company pension scheme and accident insurance.
  • Work-life balance: The compatibility of family and career is very important to us. To ensure that you have enough time for your family outside of work, you are entitled to 30 days of vacation per year.
  • Good for body and soul: A subsidized canteen with healthy, freshly cooked menus and a wide range of health offers from our Q.CARE program, e.g. flu vaccinations, massages or preventive medical checkups, ensure that you stay fit - because the well-being of our employees is close to our heart.
  • Mobile on all routes: We offer you flexible working hours and the possibility of mobile working. Our shuttle service from Bitterfeld station to the Solar Valley makes your way to work as comfortable as possible. But also as a car driver you will always find a free parking space in our car park. Well-equipped, barrier-free offices and meeting rooms complete the overall picture.
Englisch, C++, Embedded, Photovoltaik, Manager, Solar, Automotive, Führungskraft, C, Werksleiter, MINTsax.de, Empfehlungsbund

Dieser Job bzw. Stellenanzeige als 'Patent Specialist (all genders)' ist für folgende Adressen ausgeschrieben: 06766 Bitterfeld-Wolfen bei/in Anhalt-Bitterfeld in Sachsen-Anhalt.

Kurzprofil der Hanwha Q CELLS GmbH

Die Hanwha Q CELLS GmbH ist die deutsche Tochter eines der weltweit führenden Solarunternehmens, Hanwha Q CELLS Co. Ltd. und damit Teil der Hanwha Gruppe – eines FORTUNE® Global 500 Unternehmens sowie eines der acht größten Unternehmen Südkoreas. Q CELLS betreibt in Deutschland Standorte im Bitterfeld-Wolfener Ortsteil Thalheim und in Berlin. Mit dem globalen Zentrum für Technologie, Innovation und Qualität in Thalheim bildet die Hanwha Q CELLS GmbH das technologische Fundament für das weltweite Solargeschäft von Q CELLS. Rund 200 Experten in der Forschung und Entwicklung sowie im Qualitätsmanagement entwickeln hier Solarmodule und -systeme „Engineered in Germany“. So trägt die Gesellschaft in Deutschland wesentlich dazu bei, die Technologie- und Qualitätsführerschaft der Marke Q CELLS weltweit auszubauen.

Von Deutschland aus steuert das Unternehmen auch sämtliche Vertriebsaktivitäten in Europa – einem der wichtigsten Solarmärkte für das Unternehmen – und entwickelt von hier aus die Geschäftsmodelle für die Zukunft. So ist Q CELLS bereits heute Komplettanbieter von sauberen Energielösungen für Kommunen, Unternehmen und private Kunden in Deutschland und Europa: von Solarmodulen und -systemen, über Stromspeicher und Cloud-Lösungen, bis hin zu Stromverträgen für jedermann. Von Berlin aus betreibt Q CELLS außerdem sein Geschäft als einer der erfahrensten Partner für die Entwicklung, den Bau und die Finanzierung von großen Solarkraftwerken.

Durch die Communitys des Empfehlungsbundes konnten wir unsere Sichtbarkeit als Arbeitgeber in der Region deutlich erhöhen, was sich an der gestiegenen Anzahl qualitativ hochwertiger Bewerbungseingänge und letztendlich der neu gewonnen Mitarbeiter zeigt.

Frau Ellen Lindner

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