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Sales Manager(Investment Berater) - New Energy Industry (m/f/d)

Frau Lili Lan
7.000 € - 10.000 € mtl.
Fortgeschritten Senior
Flexible Arbeitszeiten
30 Urlaubstage
🇩🇪 C1
🇬🇧 C1
Guter Bewerbungsprozess

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Company Profile:

Our customer is a leading investment group funded entirely by private capital, they are committed to driving clean energy advancements and transforming global energy systems. With a strong mission to accelerate carbon neutrality worldwide, our customer strategically focuses on investments in the new energy sector on a global scale.

By building a robust, interconnected new energy ecosystem, they have established a presence across key regions, including Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Germany, the UK, Spain, Italy, and Africa. Their European regional subsidiary, based in Frankfurt am Main, Germany, serves as a vital hub for advancing clean energy initiatives across the continent.

Since 2014, our customer continues to make a significant impact in shaping a sustainable energy future worldwide.

Location: Frankfurt or home based position



  1. Collect and analyze information on the energy storage market and competitors, expand business markets, and develop, maintain, and evaluate customers to complete sales and payment tasks assigned by the company.
  2. Expand and develop customers through online and offline exhibitions, search for potential partners, regularly visit customers, deeply explore customer needs, develop targeted and feasible solutions, and ensure smooth business operations.
  3. Responsible for signing, fulfilling, and managing sales contracts, establishing smooth communication channels with customers, providing comprehensive after-sales service, and building long-term and stable customer relationships.
  4. Promote the company's products and business, organise and participate in relevant exhibitions and marketing activities, and enhance the company's brand influence in the industry.



  1. Bachelor's degree or above, major in Marketing/Business Administration/Science and Engineering, fluent in English and German, can be used as a working language.
  2. More than five years of sales experience in photovoltaic, power, energy storage and other related projects, understanding industry development trends, familiar with market channels and marketing models, and having accumulated good customer resources.
  3. Work experience with energy storage equipment manufacturers is preferred.
  4. Passionate about sales work, possessing excellent communication and business negotiation skills.
  5. Strong learning ability, strong sense of responsibility, strong execution ability, and good teamwork spirit.


If you are interested in this position, please send your resume to the headhunter's email address: Kontakt-Formular . We will contact you as soon as possible and introduce the company.



Bewerben Sie sich jetzt bei der DMTG GmbH als Sales Manager(Investment Berater) - New Energy Industry (m/f/d).

Bitte prüfen Sie, ob Sie diese Grundanforderungen erfüllen:

  • Arbeitserlaubnis in Deutschland bzw. Schengen/EU notwendig
  • Mindestens Verhandlungssicher (C1) in Deutscher Sprache notwendig
  • Mindestens Verhandlungssicher (C1) in Englischer Sprache notwendig
energy storage equipment, sales experience, Photovoltaic, power, sustainable energy, Investment, Capital, Manager, Englisch, C++,, Empfehlungsbund
Offen für Bewerber aus folgenden Ländern für eine Full-Remote Anstellung:

Kurzprofil der DMTG GmbH

Wir sind ein Personal-Service-Plattform und auf der Suche nach hochqualifizierten Fachkräfte, insbesondere aus den Bereichen Automotive/Selbstfahrendes Auto, Finanz- und IT.

Wir nutzen den Empfehlungsbund, um uns neue Zielgruppen zu erschließen und den Service bei Stellenanzeigen Schalten und unser Bewerbermangement zu verbessern

Frau Lili Lan

Feedback von Bewerbenden

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